Recently talking amongst these select few, I realized that most of us are judging candidates on the sound bytes we happen to catch quickly via television or radio. Or sometimes it's just a feeling we get from the candidate. But with the 2008 election nearing, I feel compelled to DO something.
What IS that something? Educate myself and others about the election process, the issues and the candidates. Now I'm no expert by any means and I've forgotten quite a bit about the whole thing since my college years and my high school Political History class (sorry, Mr. Rudolph). And since I know my blog isn't read by many people, this will probably be more of an exercise to re-educate and inform myself.
However, I do hope some of you find the information I'll be posting each Wednesday a worth while read (if I do not have enough time or enough material, this might turn into a monthly thing). I realize this is testing fate and may incite flaming on this blog but I also know that the people who are currently reading this blog are decent folk with open minds.
Here are some general guidelines I'd like everyone to keep in mind while reading:
Speaking of which .... YOUR FIRST ASSIGNMENT:
Go to one or more of the "candidate quizzes" linked below to see where you stand right now. I say "or more" because I took a couple and came up with a few different answers, plus they're not all built the same. It is crucial that we start here since the primaries are about a month away for most people (sorry folks in Iowa, New Hampshire, Republicans in Wyoming ...).
USA Today Candidate Quiz
Glassbooth Candidate Quiz
Politalk Candidate Quiz
There's no need to comment about who your candidate turned out to be, however, just keep it in mind for the future. It will be fun to take this quiz again in a month to see if your candidate selections are still the same for the primaries. Then we'll do it all again for the November 4th election!