Personal Information: Cirque du Bebe strongly suggests that users DO NOT use their real names or the real names of their family members in relation to any blog posts, comments or other communications visible within the web site. We also respectfully request those users who know the administrators personally, to not include any real names of the administrator's family or the administrator's real name in any comments posted. Any mentions of the administrator's real name and/or family member's real name will be subject to the rules outlined in the Malicious or Abusive Use section below.
Malicious or Abusive Use: Cirque du Bebe reserves the right to inspect, modify, approve and/or reject all content within the web site. This especially applies to content entered for the blog posts, comments or any other forums on the web site. Modifications to content requested will be to protect the administrator (i.e. the post will be deleted and the corrected post should not contain family member's real name instead replacing it with the appropriate pronoun, nickname or alias). Any content viewed to be malicious or otherwise abusive will be removed or rejected at the discretion of the administrator.