"Just 'cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town." -- George Carlin

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm IT!

CaraMama tagged me on her Six Quirky Things Meme! YAY! I love stuff where you get to know weird things about people!

Here are the rules:

1) Link to the person that tagged you.
2) Post the rules on your blog.
3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4) Tag at least 3 people at the end of your post and link to their blogs.
5) Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6) Let the fun begin!

I'm not sure I know 3 people with blogs to tag that either haven't already been tagged or have private blogs who probably don't want to be tagged. But here's my quirky list anyway:

  1. Since I'm from just outside of Baltimore originally (the dreaded Dundalk area) and my father grew up in the city of Baltimore, I pronounce some words in an odd manner. DH takes opportunity to point them out often. The one he hates the most is "mir". For everyone who is not a Baltimoron, that's a MIRROR. Each time I say it, he says "What's that again?" And I say, "A MIRROOROOROOR!".

    Another good one is "fridgerator". You guessed it, that's a REFRIDGERATOR. He loves that one, too. At least I don't call sinks "zincs" but I do occasionally "warsh" my clothes (especially if I've had a few).

  2. I'm a little OCD about locking things. For instance, the door to our house and car doors. I'm trying to break this habit (especially with the front door because our neighbors probably think I'm nuts). Sometimes, I'll check it up to three times because if I'm in a real hurry, I won't remember if I actually locked it.

    With the car doors, I usually click the keyfob twice. With my new car, I actually have a reason to do it because the second click will turn off the headlights if they are on!

  3. I absolutely, positively HATE spiders. Hate them. Don't like to see them. Don't want them near me or in my house. However, I don't like killing them either.

    The other day, Monkey and I took a walk and I'm guessing that's when this little creature decided to hitch a ride because it came out of nowhere when I threw my coat on the ottoman. I jumped about three feet and of course, Monkey wanted to go right for it. It was HUGE! Huge being about 1 1/2 inches in diameter total, body was probably 3/4 of an inch long. I contemplated how I was going to trap this thing. Usually, I place a glass over them, slide a piece of paper underneath and then chuck them outside. But it moved to the edge of the stairs where it would have been difficult to do that so I ended up just killing it. Sorry! Please don't send me hate mail for killing the spider!

  4. I love shoes but hate wearing them. As soon as I get in the house (and the houses of friends I've known a long time), I take them off. But I still like buying them for when I'm out and about.

  5. Some people think I look like an elf. This was even prior to the Lord of the Rings movies, after which I now get comments that I look like Liv Tyler or Cate Blanchett (not so bad I guess).

    But in 9th grade during my art class, this douche nozzle (can't remember his name -- maybe Jay? -- but this name fits) announced to the class that I looked like one of the people from the Dark Crystal because my face "was flat and had no shape". Douche nozzle.

  6. I really do LOVE Cirque du Soleil. Lame, I know. I've only seen 2 different shows (Corteo and O -- I saw O, twice!) but I'd love to go back to Vegas to see KA and LOVE. Plus, I'd still like to see Delirium and Wintuk! Maybe I can hitch a ride with DH and crew when they go to CES next year if one of the grandmothers will watch Monkey for a few days ... hmmm ...

Maybe the name of this post should be "I'm lame" because the only person I'm tagging is Baby-AMZ, but since TWO people run that blog, maybe they could BOTH post their 6 quirky things! Hint, hint. ;)

Book Review: Sippy Cups are not for Chardonnay

As obnoxious as it might sound (or read) as I'm writing this ... I like to think of myself as a hip mom with wit, style and well, no, not class. Therefore, the title of this book (and the fact that Molly Shannon from SNL thought it was was good) made it instantly appealing to me. Plus, I like wine.

Now a little forewarning before going any further in this post. This book is not for the Sanctimommies out there. Those who are not comfortable with cursing might not want to read this book either. The author, Stefanie Wilder-Taylor, doesn't curse a whole lot but it's enough that some might be offended. Also, she touches on subjects some might not wish to address (such as sex) and is really BLUNT about other things. I plan on posting a few tidbits from this book, so beware!

Wilder-Taylor covers typical mommy topics such as going to mommy groups, dealing with the Alpha Mom and sex after baby from her point of view. Although in some instances she's giving advice, this book isn't a reference book by any means and she's clearly kidding in some parts.

Below are a few bits I found very amusing (I won't post too many so not to spoil the fun should you read it!):


"Some people get the video monitors so they can keep an eye on their baby, as though they're working the night shift at 7-eleven and their baby's a potential shoplifter."


"I have to say, watching a puppet in a raspberry beret speak with a bad French accent is downright frightening -- unless you're buzzed, then' it's hilarious ... "


"I know a lot of women still stuff steamer trunks like they're going on the Gilligan's Island 'three hour cruise,' secretly thinking they might be stuck somewhere with their baby for eight seasons."

Overall, the book was a delightful read. But there were a few instances when the comedic timing was a little redundant for me. I'm obviously not a comedian but have been to enough comedy shows and followed enough comedians to know a little bit about what makes funny, funny. As I was reading, I'd sometimes, hear the ol' "Ba Da Dum" drum roll after her punchlines in my head and that was the first clue maybe the comedic timing was getting a little old. HOWEVER, don't let this turn you away from this book (if you can put up with the aforementioned cursing and bluntness anyway). It's really funny and I seriously LOLed more than a dozen times. Once was while flying to Florida. I had my headphones on while reading and didn't quite realize how loud the laugh really was. That was embarrassing! The book also made me realize that I have a lot in common with yet another mom on this planet (which always feels good) and she made me think about some things in a different light (for instance, why going to Mommy and Me groups can be beneficial).

If you do buy this book, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

BTW, IF you read this book and you know me personally, I'd like to know which type of mommy you think I am. I think I lie somewhere between the dreaded Alpha Mom, Drama Mama and Freshman Mom (if that's possible).