"Just 'cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town." -- George Carlin

Friday, February 29, 2008

O'Reilly Book Cover Maker

Earlier today, I posted the Google Photo Meme which was quite fun. While compiling the photos for the meme, I looked for the book cover featuring my favorite animal, the least weasel (if they weren't wild, I'd probably want one as a pet). While looking for that book cover, I stumbled across the O'Reilly Maker. It is a site where you can make the cover of your own O'Reilly book!

For anyone who isn't familiar with O'Reilly, they're a big publisher of techie books. Anyone who has worked on a web application in some capacity for any length, whether it be as a web designer or a programmer, they've undoubtedly either read or even bought a book from this publisher. So for geeks like me, this is hilarious.

Here are the two I created today (couldn't just settle for one!):

Programmer Ego

Code Snatcher

If you want to make your own, go to http://www.oreillymaker.com/. And if you want to show everyone your cover design, feel free to post a link to them in the comments!

Google Photo Meme

YAY! Another meme! Caramama has created a photo meme on her blog and it just seemed like so much fun that I HAD to do it.

Basically, you Google the answer to the questions below in their Images search (the first page of results only). Then pick an image from the results and put it here.

1. The age you will be on your next birthday.

2. A place you'd like to visit.

3. Your favorite place.

4. Your favorite object.

5. Your favorite food.

6. Your favorite animal.
This is a least weasel. I entered this in because the cover of an old O'Reilly Web Design in a Nutshell book I had was SOOO CUTE, that even after I had learned web design I held onto it for a very long time. Yes, just because of the cute animal on the front. I finally got rid of it last year in one of my organizational purging fits. Kinda sad I did now.

Here's the book cover:

7. Your favorite color.

8. The city in which you were born.

9. The town in which you live.

10. The name of your pet.



11. The first name of your love.
(put my DH's WoW screen name in)

12. Your nickname/screen name.
(screen name)

13. Your middle name.

14. Your last name.

15. A bad habit of yours.
(hangnails, pimples)

16. Your first job.

17. Your dream job.

18. Your current job.

19. A picture you find hilarious.

20. A picture that inspires you.

BTW, I found something else fun while doing this meme. If you want to create your OWN O'Reilly animal book cover, go to the O'Reilly Maker. When I have more time, I'll post my cover!