I used to think blogging was for megalomaniacs who think the world is interested in what they have to say (please, read the rest and save the hate mail), but now I realize that it's a journal for most people and way of creating a community of people with common interests. It can also be a cathartic means of dealing with today's rat race and bouncing your thoughts around as a litmus test for sanity. Or at least it will be for me.
According to Merriam-Webster, journal is defined as:
Main Entry: jour·nal
Pronunciation: 'j&r-n&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, service book containing the day hours, from Anglo-French jurnal,jurnal, adjective, daily, from Latin diurnalis, from diurnus of the day, from dies day -- more at
DEITY1 a : a record of current transactions; especially : a book of original entry in double-entry bookkeeping b : an account of day-to-day events c : a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use d : a record of transactions kept by a deliberative or legislative body e :
LOG 3 f :
2 a : a daily newspaper b : a periodical dealing especially with matters of current interest
3 : the part of a rotating shaft, axle, roll, or spindle that turns in a bearing
So although a personal journal is private (see dictionary entry "1c" above), written on paper, perhaps in a book-like format, a blog is none of these. And since this blog will be primarily used to keep family and friends updated on our lil' monkey and mommy's sanity pH levels, we'll say this blog fits definition 2b ("of current interest" to myself and perhaps those wanting to know those little baby details). I hate actually writing with pen and paper now (my handwriting has deteriorated since college into scrawl) and I can attach pictures to this thing to illustrate points (something I can't say I'd do in a written journal). So why keep a traditional journal? This will hopefully be much more fun.
Okay enough self-reflection for the day. Take care everyone.