"Just 'cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town." -- George Carlin

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Baby's First Christmas -- thoughts or stories?

Ever since I found out I was pregnant with lil' Monkey, I have wondered what his first Christmas would be like. I really like Christmas. Not so much for the gifts and definitely not the shopping for the gifts (I used to like these things but now they're just not that important anymore), but rather for the festive lights, food and seeing people you generally don't see that often. And even though I have tried to dream about what his first Christmas would be like, I am having a hard time thinking of how it's supposed to go.

He loves our tree (shown to the right) in all it's bright blue glory (he's at that age where blue is a big hit)! And for family and friends on our mailing list, you'll be receiving a photo card of him in front of it (might still be in the mail -- as usual I procrastinated). So that's one part of the dream that I expected to come true and it has.

However, he's just a little guy and isn't really at an age where he can open or even appreciate the gifts given to him. But you've got to have the obligatory photo ops, right? Afterall, it's "Baby's First Christmas"!

So I wanted to ask the seasoned parents reading this post, to tell us your suggestions and/or stories about your baby's first Christmas.


-goofydaddy said...
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-goofydaddy said...

this is couchmonkey's second, but she wasn't quite 3 months the first go around, so i like to think this is her first REAL Christmas. and we are looking forward to it! we did have fun with her last year, laid her on the floor (cause that's all she did), with her legs in a huge Christmas stocking, and balled up wrapping paper all around. i think she got a kick out of it, or maybe i had too much eggnog... i dunno. :-) our big mistake was not having Christmas at our house. not so this year! Merry Christmas, and all that jazz!

- Dana said...

Baby A was just a little smiling bump on a log. This year will be better since she's almost 15 mo. I think every year will get better and better as she becomes more aware. Your tree is pretty. Take a picture of it next year - I'm wondering if it will look like ours (with the bottom 1/3 empty except for a few kid friendly ornaments, it cracks me up).

La folle maman said...

The stocking idea is cute. Maybe we'll put lil' Monkey in a gift bag! Nah. We'll try to be a little original. :)

caramama said...

Great pic! Our tree (fake, little tree) is on a table so as to be out of reach of grabby little hands. I got the idea from another mom. Other than that, this is all new to us, too!