"Just 'cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town." -- George Carlin

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Politics Wed -- The Issues: Iraq

There's so much information on this topic so I'm going to present the history of Iraq and then the Iraqi War numbers.



You may remember something about Mesopotamia (3000 B.C.) and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers from your high school history class or perhaps earth sciences. This is the area that Iraq exists within today. It was inhabited by the Sumerians, then the Babylonians (no, not the people from Babylon 5), then the Assyrians, then the Persians, so forth and so on. Alexander the Great and the Greeks took over at one point in time as well. In other words, lots of cultures and peoples have called this land their own over the centuries.

The longest period of rule was by the Ottoman Empire, from roughly the 16th century until World War I. At that time, the Ottomans sided with the Germans and the Central Powers in the war. The British captured Baghdad in 1917 and an armistice was signed in 1918. “On 11 November 1920 it became a League of Nations mandate under British control with the name ‘State of Iraq’.” The British turned it into a monarchy and did not take into account the different ethnic groups when dividing it up into territories (especially the Kurds and Assyrians to the north, meaning they supported the Sunni population mainly). During the Brits occupation, the Shi’ites and the Kurds fought for independence. British occupation came to an end in 1932 when the mandate officially ended.

In 1948, Iraq was a part of the war against the newly formed State of Israel. Iraq never signed the cease-fire agreement. They did however sign the Baghdad Pact in 1956 which allied them with Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and the United Kingdom. The Pact “committed the nations to mutual cooperation and protection, as well as non-intervention in each other's affairs.”

The monarchy established by the British was overthrown by the “Free Officers”, a military group inspired by the words of an Egyptian leader named Nassar who criticized the legitimacy of the monarchy. At that time, the Baghdad Pact ceased and a republic was formed.

At one point in the 60’s, Iraq tried to challenge the sovereignty of Kuwait when it gained independence from the British but was forced to back down by the British. They would continue to have border disputes with Kuwait and Iran well into the 70’s. “In retrospect, the 1970s can be seen as a high point in Iraq's modern history. A new, young, technocratic elite was governing the country and the fast-growing economy brought prosperity and stability.”

In 1979, the president at that time resigned and this was the point that Saddam Hussein took over the country. Territorial disputes with Iran resulted in an eight year war with Iran that in the end was won by neither side. The invasion of Kuwait in 1990 would result in the Gulf War. After the Gulf War, the United Nations would impose economic sanctions on the country “providing for a full trade embargo, excluding medical supplies, food and other items of humanitarian necessity”. These sanctions “were linked to removal of weapons of mass destruction by Resolution 687”.

And think we all remember what happened starting in May 2003. If not, Wikipedia has more information on it here.


According to Friends Committee on National Legislation (as of 6/2006):


U.S. Killed -- 2,500
U.S. Wounded -- 18,356
U.S. MIA -- 1

U.K. Killed -- 113
U.K. Wounded -- 83
U.K. MIA -- 0

IRAQI Killed -- 6,400
IRAQI Wounded -- Unknown

Killed -- 5000
Wounded -- 8000

COALITION CIVILIANS & CONTRACTORS Killed -- 337 (from 36 different countries)




Original estimate: 25 billion to fight; $4 billion/month
Cost as of 6/2006: $480 billion

Post-war Reconstruction donations (in millions)

U.S. -- $550
UK -- $330
Australia -- $100
Japan -- $100
Spain -- $56
Norway -- $21
Netherlands -- $21

According to WIKIPEDIA:


U.S. Killed -- 3,921
U.S. Wounded 8,691 (medical air transport required)
U.S. Wounded 19,970 (no medical air transport required)

NOTE: Of all the wounded 12,912 were unable to return to duty within 72 hours.

IRAQI Security forces and police: 6,327 police and 3,463 soldiers killed

JOURNALISTS: 114 (plus 40 media support workers)

CONTRACTORS: 933 (both U.S. and other countries)



$474 billion has been spent as of 12/2007


After reading the history of Iraq and understanding it a little more clearly, I'm thinking to myself, why are WE cleaning this mess up? The British started it, it's THEIR BLOODY mess! Okay, okay, that's probably unreasonable. I really like British people, British music, Monty Python and London was fabulous. :) So please, no hate mail.

But more seriously, I never did agree with this war. The link of Saddam Hussein to 911 was disproven by the September 11 commission so that reason is out the window (unlike so many people tout) and no WMDs were found. So why do I think we're in this war? War is big money, for the consulting companies and all of the people who have their hands in the pockets of the President, Vice President (hello, Halliburton) and the rest of the politicians in Washington.

As for the whole concept "if you don't support the war, you don't support our troops" -- please, stop for a minute and really give that some thought. How is putting them in harm's way in a war which didn't really need to be started SUPPORTING THEM? Wouldn't it make more sense that supporting them would mean returning them to their family and friends in ONE piece with all of their senses in tact?

Now that being said, I do think our troops are doing an excellent job with what they've been given. They just need leaders that can come up with a better resolution than throw more bodies at it. And truth be told, they NEED to finish that job because if not, we'll end up with another unstable area like Afghanistan (see section named "Soviet invasion and civil war" within this page) which has been determined as a "terrorist breeding ground". Then we'd be no better than those darned Brits! Again, Brits, just kidding! Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more!

The thing that makes me most angry about this is the money being spent on it. We could use that money for really important things HERE in AMERICA. Education for one (which I will be covering next week). How about that immigration problem? Or Homeland Security? Bring the troops home and secure the borders?

Wow, okay I think I've gone far enough. I'm guessing this post isn't very "flame retardant". I expect I'll be getting a few comments on this one. :)


-goofydaddy said...

i don't like to think of it as a war anymore. because our troops aren't over there fighting another country, they're trying to train that country's forces and police to fight insurgents. the terrorists over there are organized, but aren't representatives of any country, so not a technical war. either way, the whole situation is frustrating because the terrorists hate america being there trying to fix their country. so right now, they attack us cause we're there, and they attack the Iraq forces cause they're american-trained.

so you think, "what would happen if we just left completely?" well, the insurgents would still attack the government because they would call that new democracy "american" or westernized. it's a lose-lose situation. it's too bad they can't see the big picture and realize the change in government is for the better.

the hatred they have for anything different than their own ideals (heck i wouldn't even call them ideals cause killing is never an ideal, but i can't think of a better word right now) is a HUGE roadblock to any kind of success in that region. and when i say they i don't mean all muslims, just those who have twisted what they do in the name of islam.

there is a TON of money being spent on secure border initiatives, but i kinda see the terrorism part of that as a happy coincidence. secure borders seem more about the illegal immigrants coming into this country and getting jobs illegally (DEY TERK AR JERBS! sorry- south park quote couldn't resist). i do agree that the money could be spent elsewhere, but our country has spent it's lifetime helping others out, and most of the time at great expense to our homeland. it has rubbed off on other countries, so i guess that's good. eh. i forgot what my overall point was.


oh i think i agree with most of what you said. ;-)

caramama said...

Do. Not. Get. Me. Started.

Nice sum up on the issue, though. Thanks for the history. We should all be keeping that in mind.