"Just 'cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town." -- George Carlin

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hermits are we

DH and I recently had a discussion about how we need to de-hermitize. Due to working too much and getting used to life with child, we've cut out socialization almost completely. Me, more so than him, if you can count WoW as a social outlet. In a way it is but even the definition linked above states "to escape reality situations" and WoW is definitely a good way to do that. Although, I just read in Real Simple that playing an online game regularly is a good way to de-stress (goofydaddy -- don't tell DH! J/K).

Other than the night my SIL and I went out while all of us were at the beach, I haven't been out with anyone other than immediate family in over a month. And that's usually dinner with just DH, Monkey and I. Plus, I just haven't felt like going out. I think about it and then I think, "But going to bed early instead would be so much nicer." Or, "But I really should do X, Y, Z."

The work obligations I can't avoid but I am going to try to make an effort to de-hermitize more. The one thing going for me in this new goal is that my doctor is finally on-board with figuring out why I'm so darn tired. That was an interesting doctor's visit. Basically my blood work showed that my thyroid medicine isn't at the right dose again. If the increase doesn't work though, she wants to explore other possible causes.

I asked, "Like what other causes?"

She said, "Oh, you could be dying." HA. HA. She did have a smirk on her face and my retort was, "Oh that won't keep me up at night at all!"

But fatigue, like so many other symptoms could be a sign of anything. Hopefully it's just the thyroid meds being off.

Wait, that was a total tangent. Apologies. Loss of concentration, yet another sign of hypothyroidism.

So DH and I are trying to make an effort to not be such hermits but like any bad habit, it's so hard to break. It's much easier to just sit around and watch t.v. or play WoW or procrastinate about cleaning the fridge. If the stars align and my client decides that we are indeed moving the September 1st launch date, I'm going to go to the DC Mommy blogger dinner. If it kills me!


caramama said...

Yeah, you need to come out! It will be good for you! And we'll have fun. :-)

Glad that you and your doc are working to figure out what to do about your meds.

lilmary said...

I can relate, to the hermit part, not the hypothyroidism. Hope the meds are right now.

DH and I just had a conversation not long ago about how little we go out these days. The only reason it came up though is b/c someone likes to tell us every chance she gets how we need to go out more. By someone, I mean my dear m.i.l. It's funny how the comments of others can really get into your head sometimes. Anyway, after DH and I talked, we realized that we're both perfectly content with the way things are.

I'm sure there will come a time when we both want to get out and about more. Until then, we're happy hermits!